Sapphire Blue Travel

Couples Blog

Ways to Romance your Wife

Ways to Romance your Wife

Think back to when you started to date your wife, all the little ways you let her know she had your heart, and it was so easy back then to romance her. Filling your wife's love tank through romance;...

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How to Romance your Husband

How to Romance your Husband

Remember those dating days when Romance was thick in the air? How long has it been since you actively showered romance on your husband? When was the last time you gazed at your husband with longing?...

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Ways to be Kind in your Marriage

Ways to be Kind in your Marriage

It is said it is easier to be kind to strangers than to those we live with. How can we choose to include more kindness in our actions with our mates, family, friends and even those we work with? It is about putting the other person first and looking for the good.

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5 Love Languages in Marriage

5 Love Languages in Marriage

Most people have heard of the 5 love languages or at least the concept of different ways of giving and receiving love. The idea of each of  The Five Love Languages was such a wonderful gift to the world and a relationship game changer. Have you ever wondered why your offering of love has gone unaccepted?  How you show love and receive love could be different. For example, you may enjoy giving gifts to your family and friends but prefer when they offer encouraging words of affirmation. Most people have more than one love language, with one more prominent. We are able to receive all the love languages, but we often have one that speaks louder than the others.

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9 ways to reconnect with your spouse

9 ways to reconnect with your spouse

Growing apart can be slow, and the effects devasting. Take the time to reconnect with your spouse through meaningful conversations. Remembering why you got together is a great place to start. Do you know your spouse today? Are you aware of their hopes for the future? Answering questions like these are just the start of reconnecting. 

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The Couple’s Communication Guide

The Couple’s Communication Guide

Communication is the transfer of information and one way to build a healthy relationship. When we think about communicating, we often focus on spoken words, but there is much more to express our thoughts, feelings, faith and dreams. Body language, tone, eye contact and gestures all play a part.

When we combine verbal and non-verbal communication, we allow the listener not just to hear our words but get to see how they affect us, and this picture has the potential to build up or confuse and shut down.

If we hold back when communicating, we risk shutting down, building walls and allowing miscommunication to cause riffs, which is not usually anyone’s desire.

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Making our Apology Count

Making our Apology Count

Have you ever apologised to your spouse or anyone else and felt they did not hear you?

That the apology you had genuinely expressed had fallen flat?

How do we make our apology count?

You are not alone, getting an apology right is not as simple as I am sorry or I was wrong, but they are a great start.

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